Theater Hotel Salzburg

Parking options around the hotel

Please note that all room prices are always exclusive of the parking fee. 
This applies to all types of bookings (e.g. direct booking, etc.)

In-house parking garage

Our hotel has its own parking garage (reservation not possible).
If all parking spaces are occupied, we offer our guests parking in the public parking garage not far from the hotel.

Daily price: € 20,-
(as of January 2024)

Linzergasse parking garage

The Linzergasse parking garage is located 150 meters from our hotel.

Daily price: € 20,-
(as of January 2024)

Parking in the paid short-term parking zone

It is possible to park around the hotel in the “blue zone”.
The fee applies from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Price per hour: € 1.70
Maximum parking allowed: 3 hours

On Saturdays it is possible to park for free for 3 hours. You need to expose a parking disc.
On Sundays parking is free and with no time limit.

Further information about the fee can be found on the official website of the city of Salzburg.

Please note the no-parking zones, especially the “short-term parking zone areas of the resident parking zone”. This is exclusively parking for residents!